Dennis' Published Works

During a conversation one day, my colleague Brandon Hudgens and I discovered that we both already had in mind, plans to write a Paranormal Field guide. So we immediately put our efforts together and combined them into this informative and somewhat comprehensive volume. We both agree that we would have loved to have had such a book when we first started paranormal research and investigation. That is definitely the motive behind this book...something we would have wanted to read and thereby tap into, important knowledge that's needed...we hope that is how you too will feel...
As Paranormal Investigators and Researchers, we all know that there is far more out there...Beyond The Shadows.
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There are many roads we will travel in our life,
roads seen and unseen...they will take us here and there, up and down and in and out of the light...from sunny hilltops, to deep in the valleys of night. We can't always live our lives in the sunlight, for sometimes our lives will fall into shadow...The poems in this book are like that too...they are sunshine and they are also, shadow...
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In this our second collaboration, my colleague Brandon Hudgens and I, wanted to introduce you to that state of indefiniteness called High Strangeness, a dim section of the Paranormal Field where what's really weird can get even weirder. We also came to realize that we both had been touched by this strangeness even from our earliest years, and it is still ongoing...we cover a lot of ground in this book and hopefully open up some minds to some very interesting possibilities...and yes the black unmarked SUVs are still watching us from time to time...
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Once again, from sunlight, to this collection of poems, we will journey further into the darkest of night, to find what maybe waiting in the blackness and the shadows that are cast, without light...
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To get a signed copy of any of Dennis' books please email him at [email protected].